Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Bambi raises a finger

We at discofinger.com had nearly managed to write off BLOC weekend as a bad dream punctuated by permanent hearing loss and fake moutstaches, when we stumbled on a treasure trove of discofinger videos.

We've long tailed after Irish celebrity DJ Barry "Bambi" Donovan in the hopes of catching him in one of his signature languid discofingers. Donovan spends most of his time with his finger firmly on the pulse of Dublin's "bird" population, but occasionally deigns to raise it skyward for a particularly deadly tune. This time it was "Soft Emotion" by Azoto during I-f's set.

Monday, 29 June 2009

Estonian discofinger

We were very pleased to hear that our friends in Estonia are active afficiendos of the discofinger. Martin, our correspondent in Tallinn, Estonia, reports the following:
"This move is quite popular, but a very frequent one over here is also the rockers' finger - a combination of regular discofinger and the small finger combined (typical Butthead rock move). A very common one - the moving fist in the air, instead of discofinger.

Discofinger and the clap is often used during a beatless break in a song, as it is climbing back to full beat / climax."

Much has we suspected, the discofinger is truly a global phenomenon. Pictures provided by Martin below.