Sunday, 26 July 2009

Night Flight discofinger

During Dublin's Night Flight party featuring Vince Watson and Redshape, a discofinger rises from the ashes of a less-than-disco evening.

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Bad haircut discofinger

At the Magic Waves Festival in London this fashion victim was redeemed only (slightly) by his unadulterated love of the discofinger.

Monday, 20 July 2009

Recently discovered German discofinger

Yet another example of the diversity of the discofinger, this video made an unannounced appearance on YouTube from somewhere in the depths of Deutschland. We assume that the bizarre technique being demonstrated is culturally significant in Germany, where the discofinger is quite popular.

Saturday, 18 July 2009

Friday, 17 July 2009

De De Mo discofinger

Picture this: March. Lunar Disko. Intergalactic Gary lashes on De De Mo "Cause I need you, cause I love you" and Aoife nearly loses her marbles.

Thursday, 16 July 2009

Casco discofingers to Alex Novaga

Casco displays a controversial "thumbs up" discofinger move during Alex Novaga's set at the Magic Waves Festival in London.

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Fred Ventura Magic Waves discofinger

Fred Ventura and discofinger go together like me and Fred Ventura. ...I mean, like Fred Ventura and deadly Italo choons. That's why it was no surprise to see so many fingers in the air during the Magic Waves Festival in London last weekend. Alden Tyrell is there backing him up and you can tell he wants to discofinger too.

Cocadisco discofinger as performed by Irish tourists

At London's Cocadisco featuring I-f, a couple of Irish tourists do a dramatic discofinger to the song "Dirty Talk."

Monday, 13 July 2009

Another BLOC '09 discofinger

I-f BLOC discofinger

I-f busts out "Walk the Night" by the Skatt Bros and causes widespread discofingering.

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Greased discofinger

The other day the discofinger headquarters broke into rapturous applause when a re-run of Grease came on, due to Sonny LaTierri's spirited fingers.